2019 University Distinguished Staff Award winner Kent McGuire
2019 University Distinguished Staff Award winner Kent McGuire
University Distinguished Staff Award winner Kent McGuire, CFAES safety and health coordinator.
(L to R) Dean Cathann Kress and Debbie Carpenter
(L to R) Dean Cathann Kress and Debbie Carpenter
Debbie Carpenter, an Extension Program Assistant for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) program in Lawrence County, accepted the 2019 CFAES SAC sponsored Shirley Brooks-Jones Citizenship Award
Matt Chrusciel and CFAES Dean Cathann Kress
Matt Chrusciel and CFAES Dean Cathann Kress
Matt Chrusciel, Instructional Lab Supervisor in the Department of Food Science and Technology, accepted the 2019 CFAES SAC sponsored Key Values Award
2016 Outstanding CFAES SAC Award Winners
2016 Outstanding CFAES SAC Award Winners
Left to right: Mary Maloney (Shirley Brooks-Jones Citizenship Award), Amber Peck (Key Values Award), Thomas Harker (Innovation Award), and Andrea Gorzitze (Special Recognition Award).